Friday, March 4, 2016

Asia Pacific Regional Civil Society Consultation

1.0 Background
The Civil Society Consultation is a self-organized meeting held before or in parallel to the FAO Asia-Pacific Regional Conference (APRC). It is meant to gather key actors from different constituencies and countries to discuss key topics pertinent to the region, evaluate what FAO has done in the previous biennium (according to what was agreed upon at the previous Regional Conference), and discuss on specific agenda items of the Conference. The CSOs also take stock of what has been done collectively in the region/sub-region or thematically in view of the call of actions they have made in the previous biennial meeting. 

The consultation shall be co-organized by the International Planning Committee (IPC) and the CSO AdHoc Committee for FAO Engagement (AHC) and conducted in close coordination with the FAO Regional Office, in line with FAO applicable rules, procedures, practices and guidelines. In the Asia-Pacific region, the CSO Consultation processes have developed beginning 2010 with broad-based support from the regional civil society community and the FAO.  It has helped the CSOs in their participation during the APRC through well-prepared inputs and more organized interventions. Likewise, it provided governments with their analysis of the regions’ challenges linked to FAO’s Strategic Objectives and has been recognized by FAO members themselves that it has enriched the debate for FAO Members decision-making regarding regional priorities and the agency’s action planning with the countries.

The consultation is also an occasion for CSOs to update on the various coordination and partnership mechanisms deemed relevant to their engagement with FAO and to find common areas for action in the immediate term.

2.0 Objectives
1.     Promote dialogue and participation of small-scale food producer representatives and members of civil society (according to the Guidelines for ensuring balanced representation of Civil Society in FAO meetings and processes) in the FAO Regional Conference.
2.     Improve coordination between the various CSO platforms and networks in the region and develop a road map for CSO engagement vis a vis FAO and other related regional policy making bodies.
3.     Discuss and agree on concrete and specific contributions to the debates of each APRC agenda item.

3.0 Expected Outcomes
1.     Selection of CSO spokespersons to participate and intervene in the APRC; agreed list of the CSO Delegation to the Ministerial Meeting to be submitted to FAO
2.     Specific inputs on issues to be discussed during APRC consolidated from the CSO plenary sessions
3.     Civil Society statement or declaration. A consensus on the Common Statement to be submitted to the 33rd APRC.

4.     Strengthened and improved coordination of CSO mechanisms in Asia and the Pacific region, supported by a two-year indicative plan towards the 34th FAO APRC. 

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